Wearable: Arduino lilypad POV

URHK = Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong
Sew the device onto the sock tube
Hardware ready
Generate the Pattern by Processing
Update pattern.h
Programme part ready
Upload the programme and play!

Other Idea: Off-ground POV project

The lilypad POV device create continuous pattern with the movement of the device, and captured with long exposure by the camera. So I suggest making a POV work that combine with long exposure photography, like the work of Will Cho, a famous Hong Kong starry sky photographer, he always climb up to Sunset Peak for stunning photos. The following is an example of his work:
The Off-ground project requires remote control planes, camera, tripod and several sets of LEDs and lilypad. The sets will display a specific part of the whole pattern, as they take part in different part of the pattern, the final completed image would be a large scale POV work off ground.

                  For example, the background photograph is a starry sky and the programed complete pattern would be some stars around the sentence “Starry Starry Night, Flaming flowers that brightly blaze”. Then the remote controlled plane will carry the devices on its body; when camera starts expose, the plane will fly into the picture and the pattern will be captured. And finally the photograph will include the real captured starry sky image and the program-generated stars.

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