Meanings of characters: (Cantonese pronunciation)
一 (jat7):數目字的起頭 | one
乃 (naai5):作「是」之解 | is
丫(aa1):分叉的地方 | bifurcation
之(zi1):和「的」字用法一樣 | of
本(bun2):指事物的主要部分/原來的 | the core part of something / origin
= "one" is the origin of bifurcation
再(zoi3):又、重覆/不止一次 | again / once again
忒(tik7):變更 | vary
阜(fau6):盛、多 | abundant
胤(jan6):後代 | posterity
栽(zoi1):種植 | plant, grow
= more branches will grew if repeat the duplication
執(zap7):堅持 | insist
棄(hei3):捨棄、丟掉 | abandon
黽(man5):勉力或努力的意思 | struggling to, strive
斡(waat8):扭轉僵局 | turn
翫(wun6):對於某種事物習慣了而不經意 | Accustomed to something because of inadvertently
= deciding either insist or abandon to struggle on turning the old knowledge
臲(jit9):動搖不安的樣子 | anxiety
觳(huk9):恐懼發抖的樣子 | frightened
題(tai4):詩文或演講的名目 | title
覈(hat9):認真考驗 | examine thoroughly
亹(mei5):勉力不倦的樣子 | tireless
= feel frightened while tirelessly facing the title
I chose lipogram for my research, which is a kind of word game with a rule that “leaving out a letter”. The game was played with avoiding the most common vowel “E”; moreover, a lipogrammatic novel Alphabetical Africa, take a challenge on using words start with particular letter. The writer can only uses words start with "A" in chapter 1, and for chapter 2, he can use words start with "A" or "B", and "A", "B", "C" for chapter three... finally he can use any words start with A-Z in chapter 26, but the rule reverses from chapter 27.
In my work, I would like to do a Chinese calligraphy-like work without using programming. The rule would focus on the number of strokes of characters. And the passage would be a poem, which has a fix structure like the length of each sentence.
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The content page of the dictionary |
I checked the dictionary for characters and I would like to construct the sentences with meaning, so I did not know the theme or the topic of my poem, the pool of characters with suitable number of strokes determines for me. Surprisingly, the characters could be linked up as some of them have similar meanings, like 臲 and 觳. The interesting point is the meaning of the poem is the situation of me when I composing the poem. I drew a simple self-similarity fractal in the empty space of the paper, which I think is corresponding to the poem as it looks like a plant, growing some smaller-self around itself.
"One is All, All is One", this is the theme concluding all the above elements. The “traditional” Chinese style make a contrast with the western concepts like lipogram and fractals.
"One is All, All is One", this is the theme concluding all the above elements. The “traditional” Chinese style make a contrast with the western concepts like lipogram and fractals.
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